Kyle Page, Graphic Designer

Dubow Employee Profile

Here at Dubow, we’re constantly pushing the envelope of what’s possible; we seek out the most innovative techniques and technology that keep our customers front and center. Behind our creativity and service is the best team in the industry!

Why did you join the Dubow team?

I was hired about three or four years ago. I went to school for graphic design and I was excited to do a job that was directly related to my education.

What does a graphic designer do, exactly?

I mainly work with customers to make sure the proofs are correct and everything is set up for a mock-up or physical print. I work with software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to prepare the art work from the customer and make sure everything looks great.

Besides the daily customer responsibilities, do you have any projects you’re working on?

I’m working closely with our creative director to work out some processes for automating more of our artwork tasks for B2C hardgood customers. There’s a lot involved with hardgoods production and we’re really focused on making it more efficient and as easy as possible for the customer and everyone here. That will help make turnaround times and accuracy even better.

An example of something we’ve already improved is how to make the information flow faster between the art department and the print operator. We developed a way where the hardgoods operator can run a lot of jobs really quickly by just scanning a bar code that immediately displays the art on the machine screen. Before the barcode process, the operator would get a piece of paper with a work order and design number on it, and then have to look it up manually in the database. But with the barcode, they can literally be setting up the next order while the current one is still printing. It’s so much faster for everyone.

What excites you about your work?

We’re really busy and it’s been a great opportunity to learn on the job and even on my own time. If a process or something stumps me, I enjoy going home and looking it up or figuring out how to make it better. Sometimes my job feels more like a hobby because it’s so interesting.

What do you wish everyone in the industry knew about Dubow?

Every day, everyone is going the extra mile for every customer. The whole team, from top to bottom, is putting a lot of effort in. We’re looking to fix and improve things that aren’t even broken yet so we can be the best partner for our customers.

Tell us about your life outside of work.

I like to play around with my 3D printer because it aligns with my work at Dubow. I’ve printed a chess set and I’m experimenting with printing jigs that we could potentially use on the machines at Dubow. But overall, I’d say I have a really good work/life balance by being at Dubow and have the chance to pursue interests outside of work.

Interested in joining the team at Dubow? Go Here to see our open positions!

January 27th, 2021